I'm here! In Europe anyway. I am currently stuck in London!! I hate getting stuck overnight =( To re-cap the last 24 hours: yesterday I had my last meal at Taco Bell before heading to the airport where I said a sad farewell to Trevor (see picture of what he looked like when I left him)
and dragged my over-stuffed & overweight bags to check in. The flight from Santa Barbara to LA went fine. The flight from LA to London was delayed and delayed and delayed. First the airplane was late, then we boarded and sat on the plane forever! We finally got to London and had to sit on the plane for another hour because there were no open gates to pull up to and then when one finally opened up the walk way was broken! Then they had to find a staircase but of course none could be found. We were on that plane for so long! Longest flight of my life. And at the end everyone was so eager to get off and the engines were off, there was no AC, it was soooo hot and starting to stink, fun! Anyway it was a long day, but enough complaining. The flight was ok regardless of the delays. It had free wine and movies and I slept most of the time. I met a nice Norwegian couple and a girl from Saudi Arabia who taught me how to dial international calls. I'm currently at a hotel in London where they put me up for the night and have started watching the Olympics. I talked to Dad and Sally, and Sally's parents who live near London and gchat-video-ed with Marm, Nancy & Josh, & Trevor who since I left him now looks like this:
I have to charge my real camera so in the meantime you will have to deal with iphone pictures....
A couple things I thought were cool about London: they have bottle openers on the wall in the bathroom and their blow dryers look like reverse vacuum cleaners.
And I thought the door sign was funny:
I should get to bed, my next flight is at 6:55am tomorrow!
Mole Star:
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