Here is their 8-step guide to a happier, healthier you...
1) Think small and just look around you.
Think small? I'm lucky if I think at all! This Volkswagon ad pretty much sums it up:
2) Take off your high heels and put on a pair of cozy slippers. High heels- sure I got em. I buy a pair every so often when I want to look upcoming wedding, a work meeting, maybe my birthday, a holiday party might also warrant a purchase. I always buy a new pair thinking this pair is going to be different. This pair will be more comfortable than the last. These ones fit better, or they have more support, or aren't as high of a heel. I wear them around the house for a few minutes..maybe a half hour before the party's about to start. Get a feel for them. Get a little practice of increasing my center of gravity ever so slightly... Complain miserably. Worry about falling or looking awkward. Now my feet are killing me. Realize the extra inch isn't worth the pain, the embarrassment, the anxiety. Then off they come.. destined for the closet with all the other nearly-new high heel shoes that don't ever make it out of the house. My slippers on the other hand have made it to the grocery store, to the bar, even made it to work several times...
3) Eat a piece of chocolate. I currently have 2.5lbs of dark chocolate covered truffles stuffed in my desk drawer at work and it's going fast!
4) Watch a funny TV show. Umm hello? That's all I watch...
America's Funniest Home Videos
Modern Family
30 Rock
The Office
The Colbert Report
Arrested Development....
There is no room for news, reality TV shows, or dramas in my TV Guide (sometimes sports will come on...)
5) Read a short story.
New (to me) books by David Sedaris: Squirrel Seeks Chipmunk or also Holidays on Ice
6) Hug someone.
Come here, Trevor...
7) Wipe the crumbs from the kitchen counter...
Lest the roaches return! On seond thought I don't know how this one made it onto the "happiness list," but, sure I suppose crumb-free is the way to be... I'll buy it.
Last, but not least....
8) Sit down and do nothing.
9-5 baby (Saturdays and Sundays of course =)
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