A few of my favorite things so far:
1) My favorite castle: Rosenborg
2) My favorite cafe: The Royal Cafe
3) My favorite Danish word: Tak
4) My favorite cake: lingonberry pie with warm vanilla cream.
5) My favorite thing I've bought: candlesticks and nutella (I've broken down...I'm eating it with a spoon now =/)
6) My favorite wesbite: www.translate.google.com and www.aok.dk
A few of my least favorite things:
1) Not being able to understand the language
2) The weather (I guess it could be worse, but it could just be a little bit warmer...)
3) Not being able to pour a glass of water or do the dishes while the washing machine is running beacsue the washer hose has to hook up to the faucet.
4) Showering right next to the toilet
5) That milk
....I'm not complaining, I'm just saying....
Places to visit and things to do before I leave:
1) Take the train to Roskilde to see another family member, the cathedral, & the Viking Museum.
2) Visit the following museums in Copenhagen:
NY Carlsberg Glypotek (an international art museum)
Louisiana modern art museum (when it gets warmer)
National Museum (finish the top 3 floors)
3) Go to the Carlsberg brewery (I am assuming there is one here)
4) Go to the botanical gardens and Tivoli, the Danish amusement park (also wait till it gets warmer)
5) Take a boat tour of Copenhagen
6) Explore the thrift stores
7) Explore the weekend nightlife (I have no excuses now)
8) Go to a soccer game
9) See the Christiansborg castle and visit the Crown Prince's house before he moves in......
Danish influences I will take back home:
1) Light candles more often
2) Eat more carrots, not just the baby ones
3) Make open-faced sandwiches
4) Go to more cafes and coffee shops
5) Incorporate mandatory cake and coffee breaks in my work schedule
6) Bike everywhere
7) Bake cakes
I think it's more like you shower WITH the toilet...
I would like to drink more coffee outside in the winter like they do, with blankets and candles.
Is the dead bug in the Crown Prince's house?
I look forward to our first cake break when you get back to work. Do they still have the "cake board"? If someone left a timer running their name would go on the cake board and they would have to bring in a cake for break time:) I guess the updated version would be if you left your PT module beeping.
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