While Julie was off at work the other day, I thought it would be nice to clean up the apartment, do the dishes, and do some laundry. She's going to be so happy when she gets home and sees how great the place looks. Maybe I'll even start on dinner! I figure washing some clothes is the best place to start. So I go over to that warsher machine and instantly remember how much trouble it gave Julie the first time. Well that was Julie... Lets see if ol' T-bone can have some better luck... ... ... ... nope, no luck. I need some step-by-step instructions man! Time to bring up Julie's February 23 blog post, a Copenbloggin Classic, "Airing Out Ma' Dundies."
Hmm... This isn't as helpful as I thought. Where are the diagrams Jules? Am I really supposed to jam the hose adapter onto the faucet? Anyway, after a couple of minutes I am finally able to force on the hose in an awkward position and I start the machine. Water is spurting in a few different directions, but judging by Julie's experience, this seems to be normal. ...10 minutes pass by... This is definitely not normal! Water is everywhere! I frantically try to clean up, but I leave the water running because I don't want the machine to stop. So I'm there using a sponge and toilet paper to try and maintain the kitchen while the clothes are washing. I also periodically remove things from the kitchen and place them around the house so they don't get wet (or wetter). After about a half an hour of this lunacy, I decide to shut off the water and see what my prospects are. I open up the washer and take a look at the clothes. The clothes are still covered in laundry detergent powder and completely dry! How is this possible?!? Did absolutely no water get into this machine?!? It is a sad moment.
Baffled, I decide to take a break. I spread out on the couch and figure to watch about 15 minutes of TV and then get back to work. It was about noon at the time.
The next thing I remember is an extremely loud noise. What the hell is that?? It's the doorbell. This doorbell is intense. It reminds me of the sound from Family Feud when you give the wrong answer and a big red X appears on the screen. So imagine that with your TV at max volume. Anyway, I realize that it is Julie at the door! She is home from work and I have somehow slept the rest of the afternoon away! (hey, I'm still adjusting here) Crap! The place is a wreck, the kitchen is undoubtedly still soaked with toilet paper all over the floor, I look like I slept the entire day, and Julie has just walked home in the cold from a full day of work. I hit the button to let her in. She still has 7 flights of stairs until she makes it up here, time to make the place look respectable. I start by cleaning off the coffee table, but I'm still really groggy and I end up knocking stuff on the floor. This is hopeless. The door opens, I turn around... it's Julie... I smile... she kinda smiles....
It's okay, Trevor. Laundry tuckers out the best of us.
is Part 2 also a long-winded apology? Can't wait.
how did u find each other? seriously, a match made in heaven.
everything about this post is awesome. i love it. you guys are great.
I don't thnk I ever adjusted to the time difference Trevor!
These entries are priceless. I feel as if I'm watching a sitcom and so look forward to next episode. I'm seeing Hollywood in your future!!! For REEL:)
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