Monday, May 24, 2010

The Morning News

The other morning I was lying awake in bed when I heard Trevor's phone ringing in the other room. I looked at the clock and it was before 7 o'clock in the morning. Trevor was still sleeping and I didn't want to wake him up. I still had fifteen more minutes before my alarm went off, so I lay there and let the phone go to voicemail. But then I got to thinking....I wonder who is calling this early? Who does not know that it is 6:45am and that Trevor is rarely ever up at 6:45am? ..... Oh well, I'll check it when my alarm goes off. (I will not get out of bed before I absolutely have to no matter what!). But then I started thinking what if Trevor has an important class, or a test, or a presentation and he forgot to set his alarm and overslept and that was one of his classmates calling to see where he was? Or what if it's one of his classmates who has a test or presentation and their car broke down and they called to see if they could get a ride to school? Ugh. Why do I do this to myself?! I still have five more minutes of precious laying down time, but now I have to get up and see who it was....

Phew, It was Trevor's sister. Hmm I better wake him up though because this sounds like it might be important. She should know it's 7am here.... which kinda makes me worry.... maybe the baby is sick? or got hurt? No, she probably wouldn't call Trevor for advice about that... I wake up Trevor and tell him his sister called and then head for the shower. Meanwhile, I am still trying to piece together a logical incentive for his sister to call so early. The only thing I can come up with is.....she's preggers.

Babies, babies, babies! I go through my daily routine a bit quicker this morning and excitedly get out of the bathroom and see Trev is still on the phone. He looks at me and says, "Bev has a statistics question"....Oh boo. I am momentarily disappointed and we start chatting about columns and charts and how to make graphs. Then Trevor interjects with.."Oh yea, AND she's pregnant!" Minor detail...


Unknown said...

You are the Bruce Dickinson of pregnant couples. You've got a fever...and the only prescription is more babies.

Gwen said...

That's my new cousin!

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