This made me think...
“What kind of mother gets paid to allow her son to be pictured taking a dump on a toilet?"
"How much money did she get paid for this?”
"What is her life like?"
"How much money would I be willing to accept for this?"
"What kind of marketing professional decides, 'Hey, in order to sell some CAT STICKERS, let’s get a cute young boy taking a dump on a toilet with a sweet smile and some messy hair. We will put the cat sticker right next him. This is just our ticket!'?!"
And also...
"Is he wearing black pants and blank underpants?"
"Don't you think they should have chosen white underpants?"
"Or were they trying to avoid picturing young boys' underpants, cause that might be too inappropriate?"
But more importantly,
"What is this kid going to be like when he grows up?"
"How is he going to explain this to his teenage friends?"
"Will they think this is cool?"
"Will this ruin his life?"
"Has it already?"
"Does he get unlimited cat stickers?"
Well if you must know... I bought them.
And, she loves them...
They are also right next to the toilet....
It wouldn't look as good on the knotty pine wood paneling!!
I would have bought them without the damn toilet pictures!!!!
Save your judgement for the mother of the cat-sticker-toilet-pooper boy's mother!
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