Tuesday, April 27, 2010

I LOVE Science...and other thoughts for the day

I found out I made quite the impact on my co-worker's 3-year old daughter. Apparently the next morning when she woke up she said (in Danish) "Daddy you have to have that girl over again." Love her. She is my new best friend =)

Last weekend was the first day I went outside without a coat and was OK, maybe even comfortable for at least 15 minutes. EVERYONE was sun burnt at work on Monday.

Today there were flags on all the buses again. I thought it was another royal family member's birthday or something but apparently it is because the Russian president is visiting. Visiting heads of state also get the Danish flag salute.

Danish "Prayer Day" is coming up this Friday. Apparently they used to have a lot of prayer days for all sorts of holidays and occasions. Then one king came along and limited the prayer days to one, the last Friday in April. People eat wheat buns on prayer day because the bakeries are closed. Everyone buys these buns on Thursday and eats them on Friday. I got invited to a Wheat Bun party Thursday night. The hosts are making the wheat buns and the guests bring the wheat beer.

It's pretty fun seeing other people's first impressions of Denmark. The quickest realization is how everyone looks, dresses, and acts alike and how you feel out of place wearing anything colorful or commercial. Also that the credit card pin number can be a real pain.

In more exciting news........here is My Smashing Debut....


Evan L. said...

That video was a good video! I wish I could download it.

Nancy said...

Haha. I was cracking up for all your lines. Hahahaha. You love science!

Trevor said...

I'm really glad this video made it to Copenbloggin before you left Denmark.

Unknown said...

Fantastic. Antibodies. Love'em.

Anonymous said...

Did your love of science start when your high school biology teacher threw the dead pig at you??
Beautiful video Ju! I'm very proud. When will it be on TV?

Unknown said...

hahahahahaahahahahaha. That was awesome.

Bridget said...

Great video!

Anonymous said...

I love the video, so classic. The droplet they made you hold reminds me of a Kong (aka a dog toy). You did great but I don't think you'll ever live it down!!

Anonymous said...

So did your colleague not speak any english? Or maybe she was mute. Anyway, it was so nice that you got to introduce her....

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