Maybe it's a little to soon to be doing this, but tonight I had a "going away" party with my work colleagues and it was pretty sad. It got me thinking about this whole trip ... although it feels like I've only just arrived here yesterday, when I think of all that has happened to me in the last 3 months, it seems like an eternity.....which got me thinking...
Remember when...
I got stuck in London and wrote a cranky blog? What a complainer I was!
There was snow on the ground, all the lakes and harbors were frozen over, and it was dark and freezing?!
I walked to the train station at 5am thinking it was 6am?
I couldn't figure out how to work the laundry?
I lost my key?
I used to draw pictures with the bug? whatever happened to that bug?! I think he disintegrated. miss him...
I drank that rotten milk?
Mom and I went to Sweden?
I was in that video and said "I love science" ? awfully embarrassing! At least they didn't keep the part where I say "the favorite part about my job is teamwork!"
Trevor came to visit but only brought one black and one white sock?
We went to Ireland and Ciaran's car broke down?
I went ice fishing in Norway?
I ran a half marathon?
E-man played at Loppen?
Joey and I fell asleep in a kebab shop?
Meanwhile, in the news....
The Winter Olympics came and went
The Chilean earthquake happened
The healthcare bill was passed
The Polish airplane crashed
The Icleandic volcano errupted
The oil rig off the coast of Louisiana broke
What was your favorite highlight?
I liked The Little Mermaid!
Wow Jul, you def did a lot!!!
And I enjoyed your milk fiasco! That made me laugh out loud
1. When Mom and I went to Sweden
2. Dako commercial
Yeah the Dako commercial is the best one.
So many memories. But as a top 5, I'm going to have to say: 1) Laundry fiasco. 2) Trevor's laundry fiasco. 3) Gross Milk. 4) Trevor's socks. 5) "You love science." So great.
Hmmm... lots to choose from. I'll go for the underrated.
-Anonymous Mom and the Baby Snatcher incident
-Traditional Danish kids games e.g. playing w/ guns, axes, and hitting a barrel of kittens with sticks.
-The mixed reactions to your bug friend.
-Danes and carrots
Oh, and the shower/toilet.
I thought the carrots were pretty hysterical. Something I probably would have never known if it wasn't for your trip .. but there were so many great stories. :)
Julie, as you pack and make your way to the airport, just think of a big carrot waiting for you in California...
who you calling a big carrot?
I liked the banana boot!
dead bug. but he wasn't only julie's friend, trevor. to some of us, he was a pal and compatriot, a brother whose fierce independence from life offered solace and manna during the harder times, a people's champion, beleaguered by big city ethics, perhaps, but not beaten, never beaten, always willing to lend a hand to the needy, or the unwilling, or the outright annoyed--he was dead, sure, but in death became more powerful than he ever could have been in life, finally getting the better of his contemporaries. . . and for that we give thanks, forever and ever, amen. . .dead bug. . .
Interesting point, Jason, but must you be so ambiguous? I'll explain. When you're right, you're right. And when you write, you probably write with your right whether right or wrong. But if you write with your left, whatever is left is what's right. Funny how that works, no? Therefore, you have the right to write what you left only if you write the right way, which is from left to right with your left. Right? No, left!
-Right where you left off
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